Majors Fastpitch Softball is for girls league age 10-12.
***Tryouts information***
Each player must attend 1, and only 1 tryout
Thursday February 13th check in 5:30pm, 6pm upper field 6
Saturday February 15th check in 8:30am, 9am upper field 6The girls play with a 12" softball and pitch the ball from 40'.
There are tryouts and a draft. All players ages 10-12 are required to tryout for the Majors division.
All 12 yr olds will make the Majors division. All returning Majors players will return to the Majors division.
Any 10 or 11 yr old that does not make the Majors division will be placed on a Minors division team.
The typical season consists of 14-16 games with 1-2 games and typically 1-2 practices per week (dependent on the coach).
This division is engaged in inter-league play with neighboring Little Leagues in order to support game play.